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![]() In 2014, Muirfield saved $1,403.29 just in postage by emailing annual meeting information as opposed to mailing it? |
Want to save time and also help Muirfield Association save money, be green, and help the Earth? By signing up to receive electronic communications, you can do exactly that! If you agree to receive electronic notifications:
Being in the electronic communications program is not the same as being on the email list. The email list is only used to send eNews (the electronic newsletter plus community announcements) whereas the electronic communications program permits residents to receive official communications from the Association.
It's simple - just fill out the form below!
By Email
Send an email to info@muirfieldassociation.com and include the following statement:
I acknowledge receipt of the Amendment to the Code of Regulations. I agree to receive any required notices through electronic means. I may also make a payment; provide my signature, vote, consent or approval through electronic mail, electronic transmission, or any other technology so available in the future.
You must include your name and Muirfield address to ensure proper handling of your request.
By Mail
Download the New Technology Agreement Form, print it, fill it out, and return the form to the Muirfield Association either by postal mail, by placing it in our secure lock box, or by scanning the completed form and emailing it to info@muirfieldassociation.com.
Download the New Technology Agreement Form
At any point, you may opt out of the electronic communications program. Please be aware that if an electronic voting ballot has already been sent for an election, we will be unable to issue a paper ballot for the same election.
If you never opted in to begin with, you do not need to do anything. You will continue to receive communications in the postal mail.
If you previously opted in and now want to opt out, email info@muirfieldassociation.com and state your objection or send notification to the Association by postal mail to: Muirfield Association, Inc., 8372 Muirfield Dr., Dublin, OH 43017. We must have your request to opt out either by email or in writing; we cannot accept opt-out requests over the phone.
Opting out will not affect your receipt of regular Muirfield Association Alert emails.
We’ve received several questions and concerns about the new electronic technology agreement. We’ve addressed the most common ones below.
FAQ: What advantage will the Association see by using Electronic Technology?
Answer: Electronic technology allows the Association to cut down on postal mailings, which saves paper, printing costs, supplies postage, and time, which all means saving the Association money. Cutting down on mailings is a green solution that helps conserve Earth’s resources.
In 2014, Muirfield saved $1,403.29 just in postage by emailing annual meeting information as opposed to mailing it. This amount does not include the additional time and money saved in printing and labor.
FAQ: How can the Electronic Communications program help me?
Answer: This program will help you save time and some money. All communications will come to your inbox instead of your mailbox. You can access your email any time it's convenient and there's no more waiting for the mail to come to your home. This can be especially helpful if you travel often or are away for the winter. By voting online instead of by paper ballot, you save time filling out the paper ballot and mailing it plus the cost of postage.
FAQ: What material will the Association send electronically?
Answer: The Association may send invoices (for example, the annual assessment), voting information, voting ballot(s), financial statements, minutes of the previous annual meeting, upcoming pool and tennis schedules, and any other announcements or documentation.
FAQ: How will I get my guest passes for the pool?
Answer: Pool guest passes will continue to be sent through postal mail.
FAQ: If I agree, do I have to pay invoices online?
Answer: No. The new agreement only gives you the right to pay online, but does not mean you have to. In fact, we recommend paying by check or through your own bank’s electronic bill pay program. (Update 2/2/17: at this time, paying Muirfield Association dues with a credit card is not possible.)
FAQ: If I do not want to receive electronic communications, how do I "opt out"?
Answer: At any point, you may opt out of the electronic communications program.
If you never opted in to begin with, you do not need to do anything. You will continue to receive communications in the postal mail.
If you previously opted in and now want to opt out, email info@muirfieldassociation.com and state your objection or send notification to the Association by postal mail to: Muirfield Association, Inc., 8372 Muirfield Dr., Dublin, OH 43017. We must have your request in either email or writing; we cannot accept opt-out requests over the phone. Please be aware that if an electronic voting ballot has already been sent for an election, we will be unable to issue a paper ballot for the same election.
FAQ: If I change my mind later about receiving electronic communications, what do I do?
Answer: You may change your mind at any time about receiving electronic communications. Simply email info@muirfieldassociation.com and state your preference. You must include your name and Muirfield street address to ensure proper handling of your request.
You may also download print, and fill out the New Technology Agreement Form and return it to the Association office.
FAQ: Does opting in or out affect receiving eNews (Muirfield Association alerts) emails?
Answer: No. Muirfield Association Alerts and any material sent per the Electronic Technology Agreement are entirely separate. You may be on one, both, or neither of the lists.
To opt in or opt out of the Electronic Technology Agreement, contact the Association office or email info@muirfieldassociation.com and state your preference. You must include your name, address and lot number (if known) to ensure proper handling of your request.
If you wish to unsubscribe from Muirfield Association Alerts, please use the “unsubscribe” link on the bottom of an alert email. If you experience problems doing so, please email info@muirfieldassociation.com and let us know you'd like to unsubscribe.
During the Annual Meeting of Muirfield Association, Inc. in April 2014, an amendment to the Code of Regulations was voted upon and passed. This amendment allows Muirfield Association to send any required notices, accomplish any signature, vote, consent or approval, as well as make a payment through electronic mail, electronic transmission or other technology as may be available in the future. This amendment allows Muirfield Association Inc. to be fiscally responsible, save paper and help keep our community green.
An executed and recorded copy of the Amendment to the Code of Regulations can be downloaded below:
Download the Use of New Technology Amendment (Franklin County)Review and file a copy of the amendment with your Declaration (Warranty Deed) and By-Laws. It is your responsibility to pass these documents on to the future homeowner.
Download the New Technology Agreement Form
Published October 17, 2013; Updated March 9, 2015; Updated February 2, 2017