Home Page :: Muirfield Village Life :: Dedication Program
As you walk around Muirfield, you may have noticed commemorative benches, swings and trees honoring family members and loved ones. These were placed through Muirfield's successful Dedication Program.
Since the program began, a number of benches, trees, and a swing have been dedicated. In addition to being a wonderful way to honor loved ones, these offer a way to share in beautifying our community and common grounds.
The Muirfield Association is proud to offer the following:
For a donation of $500, we will plant a tree (Oak, Maple or Locust) and erect a plaque, identifying your family member or loved one. The tree could be planted in a selected area near the Holbrook Recreation Complex. The plaque will be engraved with the donating family's name or the name of the person being honored.
For a donation that is TBD (based on material cost), we will install a swing and erect a plaque. The swing could be placed along a pathway or around one of our lakes. The plaque will be engraved with the donating family's name or the name of the person being honored.
For a donation that is TBD (based on material cost), we will install a garden bench and erect a plaque. The bench could be placed along a pathway or around one of our lakes. The plaque will be engraved with the donating family's name or the name of the person being honored.
Trees may be ordered any time, but are usually planted in the fall and spring when conditions are right. Benches and swings can be installed nearly any time.
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