Members Area Home Page :: Services :: Reserve the Gazebo
The gazebo on Muirfield Drive at the Holbrook Recreation Complex is
available for the exclusive use of Muirfield residents and their guests.
To reserve the gazebo, fill out the Request for Usage of Gazebo form. It is highly recommended that you reserve the gazebo well in advance since reservations are taken on a first come, first served basis, unless the General Manager finds an overriding reason to modify.
By reserving the gazebo, the Applicant agrees to the following guidelines below. Guidelines can also be downloaded here.
Request for Usage of Gazebo Form
Who may request usage:
Time Restrictions:
Preparation/Cleanup responsibilities:
Hold Harmless Agreement:
Electric Use:
Please note:
The application is not an approval for exclusive use of the facility. Like all Muirfield amenities, the gazebo is for the enjoyment of all residents at any time.
The board has the right to disapprove usage at their discretion.
The board has the right to discontinue gatherings if guidelines are abused.
The board may rescind or modify these guidelines at any time.
Muirfield Association :: 8372 Muirfield Drive :: Dublin, Ohio, 43017 :: (614) 889-0922
© Muirfield Association, Inc.