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MUIRFIELD eNEWS: April, 2 2020

How is the Muirfield HOA Doing in These Days of COVID-19?

Really, really well! First, on behalf of the Board and Staff we hope this note finds you and your families in good health, and we express our appreciation to all of our residents who have respected the guidelines and rules. We have had only minor problems for the past two weeks on the basketball courts or playgrounds, with most folks obeying the yellow tape or signs and staying off those recreational facilities.The lone problem was from those who went on the basketball courts near the Glick Pool, which necessitated us sending a work crew to remove the hoops. And we also thank you all for understanding that the office is locked, and you have directed any business via e-mail or calls, or through use of the drop-box near the entrance door.

Like everyone, our staff worry about their own health and that of their families. We have gone to a carefully scheduled system for office staff of having all work half time in the office,half time from home, different people different days.. Productivity has been excellent from this dedicated, hardworking team. There have been no glitches. Near the start of the crisis one of our staff had just returned from an out of state family visit, by plane. While symptomless, she nevertheless self quarantined and worked from home, remained healthy for the 14 days, and has now returned to work. Likewise our grounds crew is healthy. One employee was asked to remain home due to a slight cough he said was allergies, and he, too, has now returned with a doctor's note confirming that he does not exhibit COVID-19 symptoms. All have been asked to maintain at least 6' separation when possible, and are sent out 1 per cart as much as we are able.

Initially we were unsure if the groundsmen would be allowed to work at all, but our crews maintain much City property under contract, like the median stip on Muirfield Drive, almost all the 100+ cul de sac islands and more. Thus those staff doing contrtact work came under the City exemption as essential service providers. Now, the State has allowed landscape services to operate, so our crews can maintain Muirfield property as well as that which belongs to the City.

A reminder: the Annual Meeting scheduled for April 22nd will occur, but only via teleconference between Board Members. The shutdown of our venue for the meeting, the Dublin Library,and the stay home order, mans that all voting for Board positions will be done by mail/dropoff or electronically. You will get ballots and details late next week. The meeting this year will be for the sole purpose of announcing election results, and we anticipate it will take fewer than 10 minutes.

It has been great to see so many of you out walking or cycling, enjoying our 29 miles of paths and the beauty of the emerging vegetation. Stay safe, we will all get through this.

Dr. Bob Fathman, President, Muirfield HOA Board

Published April, 2 2020

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