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Notes from Last Night's Muirfield Board Meeting

From Muirfield Association, Inc.
Bob Fathman, President
Board of Trustees

Last night was the every-other-month meeting of the Muirfield Association Board of Directors. Here is some of what was discussed.

Frequently asked questions of Board Members and Staff:

  1. "Since it is organic, can dog waste be tossed under bushes and trees on common property?"
    No, absolutely not. “Even if it is in a biodegradable bag?” No. It is City law and Muirfield requirement that all dog droppings be bagged by the owner and taken home or placed in a Muirfield dog waste container. And remember the City requires dogs be leashed or readily responsive to verbal commands. A new dog park is about to be developed at Glacier Ridge Metro Park, good for unleashed running for dogs who obey commands. Some droppings you view could be due to coyotes, fox and groundhogs, not all are from dogs.
  2. "Can I walk, bike or sled on either golf course on days they are closed, or in the winter?"
    No, never. Those are private property, including the cart paths. Please respect the private property, just as you would not want folks walking or biking in your yard. We in Muirfield are especially fortunate that our Association has over 29 miles of multi-use paths for Muirfield residents’ use, and Dublin has an additional 130 miles for public use. We in Dublin have more miles of paths per 10,000 residents than any city in Ohio. And Muirfield just adds to that!
  3. "Can my kids swim in a Muirfield-owned pond?"
    No again, sorry. But enjoy fishing in these. There is a very steep downhill slope to deep water in most, so have kids be extra, extra careful need the edge.

  4. Published September 21, 2017

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